On Stoicism & Silliness

John Staley
1 min readOct 19, 2022

From wrinkly page, 420 — Every opportunity in life is like a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. Always choose Rock. Paper can only cover one Rock! Say you throw an additional, equal-sized rock into the mix. Say that Rock gets covered by a similar, oppressive Paper — two Rock Hard nipples have entered the chat. Time to give Life two blasts of rock salt.

If you say all I do is talk and not actually do, then why do trees grow bark? They grow. We grow. We have sweet, mossy coats.

Have no shame. So what if Night Call — Kavinsky keeps playing as you leave the bathroom? I’mgiving-u a. night. call. that imma-bout-to nap.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. You see, Bueller is like Moses. His sick day is like Passover… Oh, America in the 1980’s and the Old Testament prove good for a lark, nay dealing with repercussions and ideologies that cope with not so foreign realities. Danke shea, auf wiedersehen, goodbye!

